Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Yet another medical facility pwned


Medical facilities continue to be pwned by the attackers, week after week, month after month. The latest victim is Scripps Health. May 2, 2021 Scripps was the victim of an attack, which successfully breached its system. The method of malware being placed on the information system has not been published yet. The malware was not trivial, as the administrator was forced to suspend access to a large portion of the network. Scripps posted on Twitter (May 20th) that most of the functions of their website, scripps.org, were operational again. The other functions were still being worked on. One function still be addressed was the patient portal, which as of May 20, was still offline. Scripps was still researching the breach as of the May 20 date and weren’t completely sure whether the patient data was affected. If this was, the organization would go through the standard notification process. With any institution, but especially those who are stewards of valuable data, cybersecurity can’t be ignored or placed in a situation of just checking the box. As the attacks continue to ramp up and become yet more common, breaches like this and much worse are going to continue.

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