Everyone needs insurance. This takes various forms, from
life, health, disability, and other forms. One firm in this industry is AXA
S.A. This is a global firm with vast reach. A huge company of this size
certainly has ample data to target. A portion of the network had been attacked
with ransomware.
One May 9, 2021 AXA S.A. announced the company policy was
not to pay the ransom when there would be a successful ransomware attack. At
that point, the company may have created a bit more attention than intended for
itself. The company, interestingly enough, was a victim of ransomware right
after this. The target was one of its Asia Assistance Divisions. In this case,
the division’s information technology services were adversely impacted for
Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and the Philippines and their data accessed.
Allegedly, the Avaddon ransomware group was responsible for the successful
attack. During the attack, apparently 3TB of data were exfiltrated. This
included ID cards, passport, copies, customer claims, reserved agreements, denied
reimbursements, payments to customers, contract and reports, customer IDs, bank
account scanned papers, hospital and doctor reserved material (private
investigation for fraud, and customer medical reports, including HIV, hepatitis,
STD, and other illness reports).
Sometimes it is better to just remain in obscurity.
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