Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #4

Why should we continue to test and retest the security on the vehicle?
            The security on vehicles is still lacking, even today. This can be dangerous to drivers and their families for the attack method and technique to be fully disclosed without allowing the manufacturer time to correct the issue. It is still exciting for some to have their 15 minutes of fame. The attacker(s) post their video on a social media site, do interviews, and secure a few free t-shirts.
            There is much more to it though. The vehicles have to be safe. Effectually these can be used as a weapon. If controlled or manipulated, the vehicle’s path could be altered to the driver’s detriment. As this is possible, the vehicles have to be secure, as much as possible, against attacks. A consumer does not want to be during along and the brakes or selected brake pad lock up forcing you into other lanes.
            The manufacturer has to ensure the vehicle operates appropriately. Each vehicle has multiple networks each communicating with each other and outside of the vehicle. If the systems are not working correctly, the driver may receive a false positive, e.g. the right front tire is fine however the sensor is reporting 5psi. This may create an issue.
            The driver may want to know if someone had modified the vehicle without the driver’s consent and knowledge. This breach would be of a nature the driver would want to know of. The security function of the vehicle is to ensure its systems are still reliable and valid. A security function would need to be fully operating to ensure nothing had been modified without the manufacturer’s or owner’s consent.
            Without the security being in full force and effect, anyone with the requisite knowledge and tools could modify the vehicle’s settings or code in the car without physically touching it or even being proximate. Without the security being active, someone in Australia could attack successfully a vehicle in Ireland, turning the radio on and off and the heat up in the middle of summer.

            The parties driving and others proximate to the vehicle need to know as it is hurtling down the expressway that it is entirely safe. Granted periodically there may be mechanical issues as items wear out over time and need to be replaced. This aspect is more directed at a malicious interloper interfering with the braking or other facet which could physically hurt others. 

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