Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Threat Feed - June 28, 2016

Threat Feed
The Executive Wire Scam
Phishing attacks have been with us for many the years. This sub-type of spam involves sending a mass of emails with a generic message that often seeks money. A more limited scope of attack that resurfaces from time to time is related to a phishing attack but is known as ‘Spear phishing’. Spear phishing works by emailing a select group of people with a message directed at them with a subject matter germane to the person. For instance, a person working in an accounting department would be targeted with a fake email that seems related to financing and they would feel compelled to read the email regarding finance.
The latest email scam involves the spear phishing attack with social engineering being added in for effect. With the amalgam currently in use, the attackers complete a reconnaissance of the business, acquiring the domain name, and select persons in the accounting and finance departments, using social engineering techniques to get the specific names of the staff members responsible for wiring and approving the wires. Much of the needed information can often be obtained by social engineers trolling social media sites where people thoughtlessly post their PII (Personal Identifiable Information.)
Armed with this knowledge, the attacker may send a directly worded email to the person responsible for wiring funds to a bank, generally located in Hong Kong or China, for an invoice or other logical use. The “CEO” may provide in the email that they are exceptionally busy and to ensure the wire is processed soon.

            CCTV Breach
            The CCTV has become common in businesses, both retail and offices. These are also being seen more in consumer homes as the residents want to monitor the premises, inside and out, when they are not home. The attackers have found however a manner to attack these and use them for DDoS attacks. Recently this operation was analyzed as the attackers focused their efforts on a small jewelry shop. The jewelry shop website received, at the height of the attack, 50,000 HTTP requests/second, targeting the app layer (layer 7). This level of attack generally will cease any other traffic intended to the website, as the website for a small retail establishment is able to manage possibly a few hundred or thousand requests per second at the same time. All of this traffic was from CCTV devices. Due to the number of requests, there were a number of bot nets involved. This was possible as these pieces of hardware having poor security and a portion from various vendors having the same hard-coded root password.


Ransomware continues to be an issue. This year the medical industry has been a significant target. The latest example with this has been the hospital in Hollywood, who ended up paying the ransom for the key. There also have been police stations that have been the victim and paid for the key in order to gain access to their data. One of the latest high-visibility victims of this is the NASCAR team Circle Sport-Leavine Family Racing (CSLFR). Days before the team was planning on taking a car out for testing, the computer, which happened to have mission critical information on it, began to act strangely. There were random files present and other odd items. The crew chief clicked on a file, and the next time he attempted to access another file, every file was encrypted. The critical files held years of data. The crew ended up paying $500 in bitcoins to have the key to decrypt the files. Although this was stressful, it reminds us that files from unknown sources should not just be clicked on. 

New Threat Feed & Big Data/Data Analytics Newsletters

Good morning. Beginning next week, there will be a weekly information security threat feed available. This will summarize the news that is focussed on information security and the threats we face daily. If you would like to be placed on the email distribution, please provide your email.

In addition there will be also be provided articles on big data and business analytics.

Rest assured your email address will not be shared, sold, or otherwise distributed. Your email address will only be used to email the daily summaries.

Thank you.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ransomware-So Alive

Ransomware continues to be an issue in the info sec environment for many fields. Ransomware has been rampant with the medical field and increasing in usage with other industries. The incidents have increased 17.7% form April 2015 to March 2016. From their viewpoint, all it takes is a user to click on the wrong link and the attackers would be able to apply their malware.

A ransomware malware infection has proven to be very problematic for the affected client. Once infected, the client has two primary options. These would be to pay or not to pay the ransom. In a recent study, 84% of businesses would not pay the ransomware. The issue initially was the infected clients were concerned that if the business were to pay, they may not actually receive the decryption key and/or the ransomware may leave other items to achieve access later, that may not be readily noted by the client. The businesses here have tended to have made routinely back-ups. Other simply have decided not to pay.

As the attackers have operationalized ransomware as part of their business, it has been shown to be very profitable for them. This issue will only continue and increase in usage in the environment. This issue can be mitigated to lower and mitigate the risk for this attack.

Remember, hope is not a strategy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #14

                As the vehicle advanced in its application of technology, it has become more connected. This has increased the attack points and vulnerabilities. The market has produced a vast number of persons interested in looking for these to report. Although these continue to be found, there are a number of defenses that may be put into place to in the least provide layers of security.
The vehicle manufacturer has the opportunity to implement a secure communication channel intra- and inter-vehicle.  This includes using TLS 1.2 and SAML 2.0 and other cryptographic protocols. This should not be avoided for the convenience of management or the engineers. This may be an issue especially later when additional functionality would be added as technology and its application abilities are enhanced. It is much better to be late with a project than allow the next generation to address this.
The vehicle is in effect a computer on wheels. As with any system there are a number of ports that are not used and available. The ports that are not used should be closed. These may not be a point of attack at the present time, however with later functionality there may be problems. The engineering team cannot guaranty the functionality in the future. As has been noted, new attacks are regularly exploited. New attack points are found regularly with both old and new equipment and systems.
Nearly all consumer and commercial systems have AV and at least one firewall. The vehicle functionally is no different. The vehicles should have some form of this defense in depth in place. Although these tools are not perfect, this is better than nothing being in place. A bit of system protection is better than nothing. Along this same thought, the vehicles should have embedded some form of IDS/IPS.
The threats and vulnerabilities for the vehicles are not unknown until the issue becomes too significant to patch quickly. These are regularly published in various social media outlets. The info sec groups should learn from this in comparison to ignoring these, as being from an unknowing lay person. The threat feed should be gathering information from other threat feeds, blogs, vendor updates, twitter accounts, and other sources. These may provide updates in general or to specific vehicles. Also if an attack works on a certain vehicle, it may be viable on others.
In short, the vehicle cyber security is an issue that can be mitigated to a reasonable level. There is no panacea that will bring the risk to 0%, but to a very manageable level. This will take a paradigm shift however from the present mode of hurrying to get a project done merely to move to the next. The security team must not allow info sec to be treated as some function to be bolted on at the last milestone of a project.  The planning needs to be more long-term versus short-term. Without these being in place, there will continue to be a massive expense and embarrassment to the manufacturer.

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #13

Real World Attack-Tesla
                This issue arose after the attackers reviewed the architecture for two years. Due to the labor and equipment intensity, this was not an easy hack (Heisler, 2015). With the physical nature of the attack, this would be applicable only in limited circumstances.
                This is a physical attack on the vehicle. The attackers presented this at DefCON 2015 (Pagliery, 2015). The attack is basic enough. The attacker has to have a location not proximate to others. The attack surface was behind the dash of the vehicle. The attacker had to plug their laptop into a port behind the driver’s side dash. While the dash has been removed, revealing the port, the attacker could plant a Trojan. As an additional point of interest, the infotainment system was using as out of date browser (Zetter, 2015).
                When successful, the attacker is able to shut down the vehicle and force it to stop (Ward, 2015; Masunaga, 2015). They were able to open the doors, make the display present faulty information, or pop the trunk (Pagliery, 2015). On a positive note, Tesla quickly reacted and patched the issue. These were effectuated with an OTA patch (Hall, 2015; Heisler, 2015).

Hall, G. (2015, August 7). Tesla issues software patch to guard against vehicle hack. Retrieved from http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/news/2015/08/07/tesla-issues-software-patch-to-guard-against.html
Heisler, Y. (2015, August 14). Want to hack a car? Don’t try hacking a tesla. Retrieved from http://bgr.com/2015/08/14/tesla-hacking-model-s/   
Masunaga, S. (2015, August 6). Researchers hack a telsa model s, bring car to stop. Retrieved from http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-telsa-hack-20150806-story.html
Pagliery, J. (2015, August 6). Tesla fixes bug after hackers hijack model s. Retrieved from http://money.cnn.com/2015/08/06/technology/tesla-hack/index.html  
Ward, M. (2015, August 6). Warning after security experts hack tesla car. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-33802344
Zetter, K. (2015, August 6). Researchers hacked a model S, but tesla’s already released a patch. Retrieved from http://www.wired.com/2015/08/researchers-hacked-model-s-teslas-already/

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #12

Real World Attack-Nissan Electrical Vehicle (Leaf)
                A relatively newer technology gaining a much greater acceptance and implementation has been the electric vehicle. Recently the attacker’s focus has been on the Nissan Leaf. The attack on this model was relatively easily accomplished through the web browser (Ashford, 2016; Walford, 2016). The attacker only needed the VIN to access the system (Ashford, 2016). Anyone could get this data by looking in the window or by manipulating the VIN algorithm, namely the last four digits (Ashford, 2016; Zorz, 2016). With this vulnerability being accessed from any IP, the car can be hacked from across the planet (Abel, 2016; Torchinsky, 2016).
                The attack was announced previously in Canada and only discussed in online forums (Ashford, 2016). Nissan was contacted regarding the vulnerability but did not correct this in a timely manner. Finally this was reported widely and Nissan removed the app (Lacey, 2016) and thus removed the vulnerability.
                Although this was a legitimate attack, this was between two parties that knew each other. The target was a Nissan Leaf located in the UK owned by a friend while the attacker was in Australia (Abel, 2016; Torchinksy, 2016, Walford, 2016b). As the API was insecure and allowed anyone to log in (Mearian, 2016), the effort was nominal (Abel, 2016; Walford, 2016). This insecure API was with the Nissan Connect EV application fka CarWings (Mearian, 2016; Cluley, 2016; Weise, 2016; Hammerschmidt, 2016). This API was used to remotely control the vehicle’s function (Mearian, 2016) including the heating and air conditioning systems (Ashford, 2016) and could be used to drain the battery’s energy (Abel, 2016; Torchinsky, 2016). This could also control the vehicle and modify the historical driving data (Mearian, 2016). With this attack, only the functions interacting with the mobile phone app were affected.
                This predominantly may be described as a generic attack as this could be used against other platforms (Aron, 2016). This attack shows technology is moving forward too quickly. The marketing and consumer needs are trumping the security. The regard for security and safety appears to be lacking (Ashford, 2016). In this instance the API was engineered intentionally without security (Abel, 2016). There was no authentication and attacker only needed the VIN (Zorz, 2016; Cluley, 2016; Torchinsky, 2016; Hammerschmidt, 2016). At best security was an afterthought (Kieler, 2016; Weise, 2016).

Abel, R. (2016, April 4). ‘Father of car hacking’ awarded for researched. Retrieved from http://www.scmagazineuk.com/father-of-car-hacking-awarded-for-research/article/487247/  
Aron, A.J. (2016, February 26). Security researcher found a loophole in nissan’s app for leaf electric car. Retrieved from http://www.biztekmojo.com/002121/security-researcher-found-loophole-nissans-app-leaf-electric-car
Ashford, W. (2016, February 25). Nissan breaks basic security rules with leaf electric car app. Retrieved from http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500274612/Nissan-breaks-basic-security-rules-with-leaf-electric-car-app  
Cluley, G. (2016, February 24). Lousy Nissan leaf security leaves cars open to online exploitation. Retrieved from https://www.grahamcluley.com/2016/02/lousy-nissan-leaf-security-leaves-cars-open-online-exploitation/  
Hammerschmidt, C. (2016, February 26). Security expert discloses security flaw in nissan vehicles. Retrieved from http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1325091 
Kieler, A. (2016, February 25). Nissan disables electric car app over security flaw that allows other users to control vehicle temps. Retrieved from http://consumerist.com/2016/02/25/nissan-disables-electric-car-app-over-security-flaw-that-allows-other-users-to-control-vehicle-temps/  
Lacey, S. (2016, February 29). Security flaws made Nissan leaf owners vulnerable to a hack. Retrieved from http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/security-flaws-made-nissan-leaf-owners-vulnerable-to-a-hack
Mearian, L. (2016, March 23). Should you worry that your car will be hacked? Retrieved from http://www.computerworld.com/article/3047193/security/should-you-be-worried-your-car-will-be-hacked.html   
Walford, L. (2016, February 24). Nissan leaf connected car features hacked on web-climate, seats, battery & trip logs. Retrieved from http://www.autoconnectedcar.com/2016/02/nissan-leaf-connected-car-features-hacked-on-web-climate-seats-battery-trip-logs/  
Walford, L. (2016b, February 24). Leaf carwings Nissan connect EV remote control app grounded. Retrieved from http://www.autoconnectedcar.com/2016/02/leaf-carwings-nissan-connect-ev-remote-controls-app-grounded/
Torchinsky, J. (2016, February). How the Nissan leaf can be hacked via web browser from anywhere in the world. Retrieved from http://jalopnik.com/how-the-nissan-leaf-can-be-hacked-via-web-browser-from-1761044716  
Weise, E. (2016, February 25). Nissan leaf app deactivated because it’s hackable. Retrieved from http://usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/02/24/nissan-disables-app-hacked-electric-leaf-smart-phone-troy-hunt/80882756  
Zorz, Z. (2016, February 25). Insecure APIs allow anyone to mess with Nissan leaf electric car. Retrieved from https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2016/02/25/insecure-apis-allow-anyone-to-mess-with-nissan-leaf-electric-car/

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #11

Real World Attack-General Motors Corvette Brakes
                There are not specific models or manufacturers that are immune from vulnerabilities or attack. The attackers look solely for vulnerabilities regardless of the target. There is not a strata in the automobile industry that is perfectly designed or manufactured. This is the case with General Motors. There consistently have been issues with one piece of equipment when attacked to the vehicle– the dongle. These two factors were applied with an attack from 2015 on the GM Corvette and its brake system.
                The GM brake system was attacked via a dongle manufactured by Mobile Devices plugged into the OBD-II port (Young, 2015; Foster, Prudhomme, Koscher, & Savage, 2015; Zorz, 2015; Goodwin, 2015; Amir, 2015). This was the Metromile dongle (Mathews, 2015; Schupak, 2015). The dongle is commonly used by insurance agencies and fleets (Snyder, 2015) for tracking and reporting purposes.
                In this attack, the deviant only needed to know or acquire the IP address and phone number attached to the vehicle (Kovacs, 2015). Gathering this information is not difficult or labor intensive. With this in hand, the attackers then sent an SMS message to the dongle. This is connected to the CAN bus, which controls the vehicle’s components used to drive the vehicle and other functions.  This attack was directed explicitly to a 2013 Corvette (Young, 2015; O’Keefe, 2015). In exploring this attack vector, the attackers at first targeted the windshield wipers and brakes. Once this vector was known to be a viable avenue, other attempts would be made. The additional targets were the door locks, steering, and transmission.
                Once connected to the OBD-II port, the attack was completed without authentication (Kovacs, 2015). This in itself is a significant security issue in the architecture. This was later patched (Young, 2015) and the vulnerability mitigated.
Amir, W. (2015, August 12). Researchers show how to hack a corvette with a text message. Retrieved from https://www.hackread.com/hack-corvette-with-text-message/
Foster, I., Prudhomme, A., Koscher, K., & Savage, S. (2015, August 10-11). Fast and vulnerable: A story of telematics failures. WOOT, 2015. Retrieved from http://www.autosec.org
Goodwin, A. (2015, August 11). Researchers hack a corvette’s brakes via insurance black box. Retrieved from http://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/resarchers-hack-a-corvettes-brakes-via-insurance-black-box/#!   
Kovacs, E. (2015, August 12). Researchers hack car via insurance dongle. Retrieved from http://www.securityweek.com/researchers-hack-car-insurance-dongle
Mathews, L. (2015, August 11). Corvette hijacked by hacking its insurance dongle. Retrieved from http://www.geek.com/news/researchers-hijack-a-corvette-by-hacking-its-insurance-dongle-1630857/  
O’Keefe, S. (2015, August 12). Researchers wirelessly hack a corvette’s brakes using an insurance dongle. Retrieved from http://www.itsecurityguru.org/2015/08/12/researchers-wirelessly-hack-a-corvettes-brakes-using-an-insurance-dongle/
Schupak, A. (2015, August 12). Hackers hijack a corvette via text message. Retrieved from http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hackers-hijack-corvette-via-text-message/  
Snyder, B. (2015, August 12). Corvette hack is one more reason to be wary of connected cars. Retrieved from http://www.cio.com/article/2969358/consumer-electronics/corvette-hack-is-one-more-reason-to-be-wary-of-connected-cars.html
Young, A. (2015, July 28). Car hacking: Security experts caution automakers on greater need for cybersecurity and anti-hacking measures. Retrieved from http://www.ibtimes.com/car-hacking-security-experts-caution-autmakers-greater-need-cybersecurity-anti-2026472 
Young, R. (2015, August 11). Hackers cut a corvette’s brakes via a common car gadget. Retrieved from http://www.wired.com/2015/08/hackers-cut-corvettes-brakes-via-common-car-gadget/

Zorz, Z. (2015, August 12). Researcher’s hack corvette via SMS to plugged-in tracking dongle. Retrieved from https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2015/08/12/researchers-hack-corvette-via-SMS-to-plugged-in-tracking-dongle/

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #10

Real World Attack-Chrysler Jeep
                This well-known attack occurred in the summer 2015 (Mearian, 2016). The effect of this was far-reaching and is still being felt in the industry. From this issue the FCA fka Chrysler had the opportunity to recall 1.4 million Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler, and Ram vehicles (Mearian, 2016; Finkle & Woodall, 2015). This recall was operationalized in two manners. The affected clients could bring their vehicle to the dealership and have the dealership download the patch or could use a mailed USB and plug this into their vehicle (Greenberg, 2016). At this point, the USB would auto download the patch and update to the vehicle.
                The specific affected vehicles had the 8.4 inch Uconnect touchscreen installed (Stone, 2015). Specifically, these were the 2013-2015 Dodge Viper specialty vehicle, 2013-2015 Ram pick-ups (1500, 2500, and 3500), 2013-2015 Ram chassis cabs (3500, 4500, and 5500), 2014-2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee and Cherokee SUVs, 2015-2015 Dodge Durango SUV, 2015 Chrysler (200 and 300), 2015 Dodge Charger sedans, and 2015 Dodge Challenger sports coupe. Although this did affect a limited number of model years, there were many models involved.
                As noted, the issue was with the Uconnect operating system (Perkins, 2015). The vast vulnerability was exploitable due to one communication method the Uconnect system used which required the vehicle’s IP address (Walters, 2015). Once this data was acquired, the attacker could connect remotely from anywhere to the infotainment system designed by Harmon (Crosse, 2016). This vulnerability allowed the attacker access to the vehicle’s controller network (CAN). They also attacked the OBD-II port via an attached dongle (Gibbs, 2015).
                The attack was recorded and placed on YouTube, among other social media venues. The two attackers disengaged the 2014 Jeep Cherokee’s transmission while it was on a St. Louis freeway and manipulated other attack points (Greenberg, 2016; Greenberg, 2015; Kudialis, 2015), including the radio volume, speed, climate control, and disengaged the brakes.
                This vulnerability was remediated by FCA partially by Sprint closing port 6667 (Kudialis, 2015; McAllister, 2015). For others, it is advisable to block any unused ports that are accessible via Wi Fi (Robertson, Moritz, and Khariff, 2015).

Crosse, J. (2016, April 14). Car hacking: How cyber security is stepping up. Retrieved from http://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/industry/car-hacking-how-cyber-security-stepping
Finkle, J. & Woodall, B. (2015, July 30). Researcher says can hack GM’s OnStar app, open vehicle, start engine. Retrieved from http://www.reuters.com/article/us-gm-hacking-idUSKCN0Q42FI20150730   
Gibbs, S. (2015, August 12). Security researchers hack a car and apply the brakes via text: Vulnerability revealed in diagnostic dongles used for vehicle hacking and insurance that lets them take control using just an SMS. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/aug/12/hack-a-brakes-sms-text  
Greenberg, A. (2015, July 21). Hackers remotely kill a jeep on the highway-With me in it. Retrieved from http://www.wired.com/2015/07/hackers-remotely-kill-jeep-highway/
Greenberg, A. (2016, March 17). The fbi warns that car hacking is a real risk. Retrieved from http://www.wired.com/2016/03/fbi-warns-car-hacking-real-risk/  
Kudialis, C. (2015, August 5). Security experts detail jeep hacking at Black Hat conference. Retrieved from http://www.reviewjournal.com/life/technology/security-experts-detail-jeep-hacking-black-hat-conference
McAllister, N. (2015, August 11). Blackberry can’t catch a break: Now it’s fending off jeep hacking claims. Retrieved from http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/08/11/blackberry_denies_blame_in_jeep_hack/
Mearian, L. (2016, March 23). Should you worry that your car will be hacked? Retrieved from http://www.computerworld.com/article/3047193/security/should-you-be-worried-your-car-will-be-hacked.html  
Perkins, C. (2015, July 31). Hacker discovers a major vulnerability in GM cars, hijacks vehicle functions. Retrieved from http://mashable.com/2015/07/31/gm-onstar-hack-#TXV0RdSrScqr  
Robertson, J., Moritz, S., and Khariff, O. (2015, July 31). Hacked jeep Cherokee exposes weak underbelly of high-tech cars. Retrieved from http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-31/hacked-jeep-cherokee-exposes-weak-underbelly-of-high-tech-cars 

Walters, G. (2015, July 22). Could your car be the next to come under attack? Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-31752/could-car-come-attack-GUY-WALTERS-explains-computer-hackers... 

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #9

Real World Attack-GM Ownstar
                Broadly speaking, the messages are sent to the vehicle and can be sniffed (Evenchick, 2013) with various tools. This process is not exceptionally complicated and requires a bit of sophistication. The vendor for this specific attack was OnStar (Cluley, 2015), who provides services to General Motors (GM) vehicles. OnStar uses the AT&T cell network to connect with the GM vehicles. OnStar’s Remote Link mobile app function allows the user to remotely connect to the car from a smartphone, much like other vehicle manufacturer’s connectivity. The attack had been named Ownstar, which was created by Sam Kamkar so he could hack his 2013 Chevrolet Volt (Perkins, 2015). The cost of the equipment was not significant to the point to be prohibitive to construct it. The equipment expense was estimated at $100 to create (Paganini, 2015; Cluley, 2015). At this price point, nearly all relevant parties would be able to construct this with ease.
                The attack used a simple main-in-the-middle (MitM) attack. As the vehicle was contacted, this would send the return message(s). These messages between the user and vehicle were intercepted. This showed the vehicle’s location and model. Once the attacker has this, the vehicle can be located, unlocked, and the Remote Link function could be used to start the vehicle. This issue may appear to be not significant, however this is a breach of the security. This attack also was limited in scope and there could have been other abuses of the app that would have been able to further disable the vehicle. With more time placed on the project, there may have been further vulnerabilities found.
                The issue was with the smartphone app and not with the physical vehicle. This was the weak link that was easily exploitable. The vulnerability was fixed with an update for the app (Finkle & Woodall, 2015). The first patch did not catch all of the issues and a second patch had to be downloaded (Stevens, 2015).

Cluley, G. (2015, July 30). How to hack, track and unlock a GM car via On Star. Retrieved from https://www.grahamcluley.com/2015/07/hack-track-unlock-car-onstar/
Cluley, G. (2015, September 11). Millions of General Motors’ cars were vulnerable to hackers for almost five years. Retrieved from http://www.notforsecurity.com/blog/millions-of-general-motors-cars-wree-vulnerable-to-hackers-for-almost-five-years-12649.html?utm_source=cluley&utm_campaign=c77584ad4b-Graham_Cluley&utm_medium...
Evenchick, E. (2013, October 22). CAN hacking: The in-vehicle network. Retrieved from http://hackaday.com/2013/10/22/can-hacking-the-in-vehicle-network/
Finkle, J. & Woodall, B. (2015, July 30). Researcher says can hack GM’s OnStar app, open vehicle, start engine. Retrieved from http://www.reuters.com/article/us-gm-hacking-idUSKCN0Q42FI20150730
Paganini, P. (2015, July 31). Hack your general motors car with $100 ownstar. Retrieved from http://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/38999/hacking/hack-gm-cars-ownstar.html
Perkins, C. (2015, July 31). Hacker discovers a major vulnerability in GM cars, hijacks vehicle functions. Retrieved from http://mashable.com/2015/07/31/gm-onstar-hack-#TXV0RdSrScqr  

Stevens, T. (2015, July 30). GM issues fix for On Star hack. Retrieved from http://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/ownstar-onstar-hack/

Monday, June 20, 2016

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #8

Real World Attack-Key Fob Attack
            The key fob presents its own set of issues involving its wireless transmission as the mode of communication. The German automobile club ADAC released a report showing how to break into cars produced by 19 different manufacturers and 24 vehicle models (Tatarevie, 2016). This attack involves the passive keyless Entry and Start (PKES). This is also known as the remote keyless entry (RKE). This has been a vulnerability since at least 2011 (Francillon, Daner, & Capkun, 2011). In effect this allows the car to be unlocked and started (Vaas, 2016). The attacker could keep the car running until the vehicle would run out of gas.
            The affected vehicles are the Audi (A3, A4, and A6), Mazda CX-5, Toyota RAV-4, BMW 730d, Citroen DS4 Crossback, Ford (Galaxy and Eco-Sport), Honda HR-V, Hyundai Sante Fe CRDi, Kia Optima, Lexus RX 450h, Mini Clubman, Mitsubishi Outlander, Nissan (Qashqal and Leaf), Opel Ampera, Range Rover Evoque, Renault Traffic, Ssangyong Tivoli XDi, Suburu Levorg, and Volkswagen (Golf GTD and Tauron 5T) (Vaas, 2016; Zorz, 2016b).
            The key fob contains the radio frequency identification chip. The old attack required the attacker to be very close to the vehicle (Crilly, 2015). The new equipment mitigates this with the signal extension. This was done with ADAC building the two devices that extended the service (Tatarevic, 2016). This equipment is not costly at $225 (Zorz, 2016).
            The attack method is rather direct and straight-forward. A is holding a tool a few feet from the target’s car. B is near the fob. A impersonates the car’s key and pings the car’s wireless entry system, triggering a signal form the vehicle that seeks a radio response from the key. The signal is relayed between A and B’s equipment up to 300 feet. The correct response is elicited from the key, which is transmitted back to the vehicle (Vaas, 2016).
            The defense for this is to shield the key with metallic shielding or a faraday cage or remove the battery (Francillon, Daner, & Capkun, 2011). These modes of defense are not very practical, but do work.

Crilly, R. (2015, August 18). Thousands of cars vulnerable to keyless theft, according to researchers. Retrieved from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/11808814/Thousands-of-cras-vulnerable-to-keyless-theft-according-to-researchers.html
Francillon, A., Daner, B., & Capkun, S. (2011, February). Relay attacks on passive entry and start systems in modern cars. In NDSS. Retrieved from http://www.syssec.ethz.ch/content/domain/ethz/special-interest/infk/inst-infsec/system-security-group-dom/research/spot/332.pdf
Tatarevie, B. (2016, March 18). This group defeated keyless entry cars with simple homemade devices. Retrieved from http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2016/03/group-defeated-keyless-entry-cars-simple-homemade-devices/
Zorz, Z. (2016, February 25). Insecure APIs allow anyone to mess with Nissan leaf electric car. Retrieved from https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2016/02/25/insecure-apis-allow-anyone-to-mess-with-nissan-leaf-electric-car/
Zorz, Z. (2016b, March 23). Cheap radio attack can be used to unlock and steal 24 car models. Retrieved from https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2016/03/23/cheap-radio-attack-unlock-steal-cars/

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #7

Hardware Attack-Dongle
            Third parties are reviewing their options as to different manners to market their services to vehicle owners. One of the more prolific examples of this lately has been the dongle which plugs into the OBD-II port. A number of insurers have been marketing these as a way to lower the vehicle owner’s vehicle insurance.
A recent example of this, which has not been openly exploited yet, is the Verizon Hum. This piece of equipment “…turns almost any car into a smarter, safer, more connected car…” per Verizon (http://www.verizonwireless.com/landingpages/hum/). This service allows for vehicle diagnostics, roadside assistance, speed and location alerts, driving history, stolen vehicle location, and noting where the owner parked the vehicle.
The equipment from Verizon consists of the dongle which plugs into the OBD-II port, a Bluetooth speaker that clips to the vehicle’s visor (used with roadside assistance and emergency help), and the app on the owner’s smart phone.
As part of the service, there are contractual obligations in the Terms & Conditions (T&C) agreement. Notably,
·         In the privacy section, the client is allowing the Hum system to collect data regarding the vehicle’s use and performance,
o   This information may be shared.
o   They may combine this information with others to gain insight on the HUM users.
·         Your Responsibility
o   The client will notify Verizon immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use.
o   The client will not reverse engineer, disassemble, remove, alter, circumvent, or otherwise tamper with any security technology,
·         Ownership/Confidentiality
o   The client will not publish, broadcast, retransmit, or otherwise reproduce the information…Any violation…is an infringement of copyright or proprietary rights…”
After reading this, there were several questions that were unanswered, including:
·         How is the data collected?
·         How is the data collected from the Hum in the OBD-II port to the Bluetooth or to the Verizon servers or to third party vendors (e.g. car breaking down)?
·         Who is the data shared with?
·         How is the account password stored?
Verizon was asked regarding the Hum device via a post on the Verizon Support website community on May 1, 2016, another post on the Verizon Wireless Facebook page on May 1, 2016, and the Verizon Facebook page on May 3, 2016. As of May 8, 2016 there was no response. Finally, Verizon was called on May 9, 2016. “Ken” was spoken with re: the security protocol. His response to the broad question regarding the security protocol was “I don’t know”, however he did state the method “Don’t transmit in clear text I believe”.  This provided little comfort as it relates to security and potentially provides for an additional endpoint to analyze and attack.

            A vendor with more of a security focus is Allstate. The insurance agency has the Allstate Drivewise Mobile App. Allstate was also exceptionally prompt in responding to questions, which was greatly appreciated. With their service, the clients are in good hands. Their app does the work with a mobile app and not third party equipment being plugged into the vehicle’s ports. This works with collecting GPS data through the phone. The security is managed through the smart phone and app on the smart phone. 

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #6

            The vehicle seemingly on a cursory review from the layperson is a mostly mechanical piece of equipment. The person may see the tires, door hinges, and part of the engine. The car provides a much more complete machine upon further and more in-depth examination. The computer networks and systems allow for many more endpoints and communications intra- and inter-vehicle than what had been experienced. The communication between the endpoints and the endpoints allow for points of attack where the system had not been hardened. Each attack vector noted may not be applicable across all of the manufacturer lines for all vehicles. The attack is dependent on the model’s information security architecture.
            The attack surfaces for the vehicle have been getting much worse (Simonite, 2016). This is a function of the increased use of technology in the vehicles. In a recent study, 62% of people are worried their vehicle may be easily hacked (Vanian, 2016). The attack surfaces may be divided under separate facets, such as the equipment involved (Checkoway, McCay, Kantor, Anderson, Shacham, & Savage, 2011). As an example, this could be sectioned by the physical equipment (CD, DVD, USB, auxiliary jacks, touchscreens, and the head unit (HU)) or wireless attack vector (blue tooth, cellular, digital radio, GPS, WiFi (Koscher, Czechis, Roesner, Patel, & Kohno, 2010)).
            An alternative would be to view the individual attack points. The vehicle’s diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). Each manufacturer has their respective diagnostic codes, which are proprietary. The manufacturers and dealerships need these to read and manipulate reports, messages, and use these for informational purposes. Under normal conditions the DTCs are erased after checked three times and the soft DTCs may be cleared with a scan tool.
            The vehicle can be fuzzed for DTC and freeze frame data, which is a temporary condition. The attacker may be able to view the proprietary interface with the proper tool. In this action, any unexpected items noted in the interface may be indicative of a vulnerability. This may also show nothing out of the ordinary.
            The attacker may also monitor CAN Bus communication for data leakages. This may show enough data for the attacker to understand how the model’s components communicate with each other. This may be done with monitoring the CAN packets with an OBD connector. This would also show the size of the packets moving and the relevant data in the packet. The packets can also be grouped together to review for trends. The OBD-II port is much like an Ethernet jack. This connects to the different computer systems (Vanian, 2016). This is often used by mechanics to retrieve diagnostic information.
            Each manufacturer has different equipment and protocols. As this is the environment, the attacker will have a varied set of tools to attack the different models and manufacturers. With the proper tools for each model, the packet flow is easier to read and analyze. This may show the accelerator pedal position, brake pedal status, fuel level, location, odometer, and many other data fields. After the initial review, the attacker may be able to message the CAN Bus and other the data in the fields. The attacker may be able to replay the packet.
            The attacker may also modify the ECU. This mode of attack may be very effective. The attacker may use as the links a third party piece of equipment plugged into the OBD-II port, which is connected to the ECU. The ECU could be reprogrammed maliciously. The attacker could monitor the API calls on your laptop or watch and analyze the packets. The access, dependent on the model, maybe limited by an authentication algorithm. This may be bypassed by analyzing any keys being exchanged.
            There may be the opportunity for a successful attack when the vehicle receives an update or patch. This update may be to the overall system, program, app, or functionality. At several points during the lifetime of the vehicle, there will be updates to the app, O/S, or other areas. Generally this is done through over the air (OTA), much like with your cell phone. These updates could be with .zip, .cab, .bin, .dat, .exe, or .dll files, dependent on the manufacturer. The update could be a few files or a bundle. Once the attacker knows the O/S, its architecture and how the updates are managed, the next step is to analyze the possibility to modify an update or create a new update packet. This may be difficult if the packet is sent in a secure communication channel (TLS 1.2 for now) and/or appropriate level of encryption.
            Vehicles are connecting with each other at this point. This connectivity is not far-reaching yet as this is being actively tested across the US. As one vehicle drives in the far right lane on I-75, the vehicle would communicate with the other vehicles approaching the middle lane. This is much like the vehicles in I, Robot and other movies with driverless vehicles. This communication may be within the cellular network, IP traffic, dedicated short range communication (DSRC) or a hybrid method.
            The standard security for these includes the cellular provider’s security already in place, encryption for the non-cellular traffic and other security measures. Each of these provides an avenue for attack or a vulnerability. As an example, the DSRC uses the 5.85-5.925 GHz band based on the 802.11p protocol.
            The attacker could also look to the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). This was one of the first attacks, however it is still good to verify this vulnerability is closed. This communication from the tire to the ECU and may use Bluetooth or simple radio to communicate. The Bluetooth can use a secure communication channel. The attacks can sniff the communication from the TPMS. The signal is relatively weak, and the attacker needs to be proximate to the vehicle.
            A recent attack involves the key fob for the vehicle. This uses a RFID for the key fob to communicate with the vehicle. This poses an opportunity for a vulnerability and an attacker to exploit. This uses a 315 MHz signal generally in North America. The code to unlock the vehicle is not sent in the clear text. Most late model vehicles use a rolling code or a challenge (e.g. a task such as a calculation). This traffic can be monitored and analyzed with a tool. This attack could jam the key fob signal to the vehicle. The owner would be unable to enter the vehicle. If the attacker had the time and a safe place to sit, the attacker could brute force the code. The attacker would need to write their own code using an SDR, customized hardware to do this, or a hybrid of this. There also is a known MitM attack available (Doctorow, 2015).
            A new version of the attacks involves sideloading the attack. In this case there is a device infected with malware. This device is attached to the vehicle via Wi Fi or a cable of some form. The vehicle is then infected with the malware, virus, or ransomware. There may be MP3 malware from unauthorized downloaded music to infect the vehicle (Barry, 2011).
            The late model vehicles do have available for review the addressable channels. This is more familiar as the remote telematics systems (Ford Sync, GM Onstar, Toyota Safety Connect, Lexus Enform, BMW BMW Assist, and Mercedez-Benz mbrace).
            The hardware in the vehicle could be hacked. This is defined as physically manipulating some of the equipment. This may be shown as the attacker taking apart part of the dash to reach a port that needs to be modified or connected with. Other methods generally are much more covert. This avenue is not being fully explored at this junction due to the act being so overt, the mass amount of time generally needed for these, and the legal issues associated with physically touching and manipulating the tangible asset.

Barry, K. (2011, July). Can your car be hacked? Retrieved from http://www.caranddriver.com/features/can-your-car-be-hacked-feature
Checkoway, S., McCay, D., Kantor, B., Anderson, D., Shacham, H., & Savage, S. (2011, August 10-12). Comprehensive experimental analysis of automotive attack surfaces. USENIX Security 2011. Retrieved from http://www.autosec.org/  
Doctorow, C. (2015, August 23). Car information security is a complete wreck-here’s why. Retrieved from http://boingboing.net/2015/08/23/car-information-security-is-a.html
Koscher, K., Czechis, A., Roesner, F., Patel, S., & Kohno, T. (2010). Experimental security analysis of a modern automobile. 2010 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. Retrieved from http://www.autosec.org/
Simonite, T. (2016, January 26). Your future self-driving car will be more hackable. Retrieved from http://www.technologyreview.com/news/546086/your-future-self-driving-car-will-be-way-more-hackable/  
Vanian, J. (2016, January 26). Security experts say that hacking cars is easy. Retrieved from http://fortune.com/2016/01/26/security-experts-hack-cars/  

Future Vehicle Security

In the 1980’s and early 1990’s, carjackings were unfortunately rampant. Not a day would go by when, depending on your geographic location, when there would not be a carjacking. As this was a physical attack, the aggressor would have to be reasonably proximate to the vehicle. This was not an attack designed to be done remotely. Technology had modified this deviant behavior, so that the attack could be accomplished from anywhere ranging from a few feet away from the target to across the planet. The initial form of this crime involved the theft of the vehicle. The new technology has changed this mode of attack. Presently, the attacker may maliciously interfering with its operations (e.g. air conditioning, steering, breaking, etc.), unlocking the vehicle and turning off the alarm (if present), or many other actions focused on the vehicle.  

One aspect of this that will continue to grow in complexity and risk involves the vehicle’s operations. At present, the vehicle may be a target for the malicious attacks. These attacks may be on the vehicle’s breaks, turning on or off the air conditioning, using the battery’s charge until it is nearly zero or completely used, or the steering. This has the potential for a harrowing adventure for the driver at the time. The theft would still however involve a physical theft, post-remote unlocking of the doors. The owner could be in a baseball game while this is done.

As technology continues to advance, the movement is toward a self-driving vehicle. As this continues to take shape over the next decade, this may become a target. The attacker could remotely take control over the vehicle and, for example, update the destination address. Even with a passenger taking control manually, the system could be over-written and the attacker would still have control.
Over the next decade, information security needs to be taken into consideration and implemented all along the way of design, and not near the end of the project or only at significant milestones. This methodology has not worked in the past 15 years and certainly would not work in the future. This mode will only continue to allow errors and oversights, as have been present in nearly all of the auto makers. The next 15 years holds exponentially more risk than the last 15 years. As the connectivity of the vehicle increases, so will the amount of attack surface that has to be secured by the application security engineers.

The application security engineers at the automakers have a serious and daunting task ahead. It is their responsibility to ensure a satisfactory groundwork is in place to secure the vehicle and minimize the opportunity for theft and continued deviance.

Show Me the Money! The New Big Business of Vehicle Cybersecurity

Vehicles were predominantly standardized for decades. These mechanized pieces of equipment were limited in design with the focus being on the engine, brakes, and other performance related physical areas of the vehicle. As time passed, the engineers became more creative as mechanical engineering advanced and became more capable of manufacturing the more complex parts and processes. This not only improved performance, e.g. maximum speed and fuel economy.  The advances were also on the technology side with the introduction and increased usage of computers and networking. The vehicles now are more like a computer with wheels as shown by the head unit with the radio, internet connectivity, etc. The computer systems in the vehicles at this point have approximately 100M lines of code. 

This rapid growth in the technology involved with the vehicle has created a new industry within Info Sec. In previous decades the manufacturers, for mechanical and quality assurance, would verify the parts were produced to specifications. After all, if the tie rod were not to be operational, there would be an issue. This has advanced to assuring the quality of the parts, but also the communication and endpoints in the vehicle. The new industry also completes testing to remove, as much as possible, any vulnerabilities that are known and experimenting to find any unknown issues.

This is a profitable business now and the trend will continue. This cost function is not necessarily driven by the number of cars being sold, but more of supply and demand. The demand is increasing for connectivity with vehicles. The consumer wants not only to drive the vehicle, but also have a highly functioning radio, search the internet, be able to plug in various devices into ports on the car, etc. On the other side of the equation, as this is a newer sub-industry, initially with few businesses. There has been a number of additional businesses successfully entering the market, however to varying levels of success due to the staffing expertise.

The consumer’s requirements will continue to push more interfaces along with a greater level of technology per vehicle. This is not going to slow down and will only continue to push this phenomenon along with the need for firms to test this.  

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #5

Automakers should work with hackers
            The automakers have two primary options for obtaining data and insight into securing the vehicle. These are the workers of the respective automaker and third parties outside of the manufacturer. The staff members are entrenched in the business, are aware of the architecture, and how it is supposed to work. Due to their familiarity and comfort with their system, the staff members may not have the curiosity and mental focus on different aspects of the vehicle to analyze areas susceptible to breaches or simply sniffing packets with personal identifiable information (PII).
            The alternative is to work with third party persons or entities focused on reviewing insecure communications and weak points in the architecture. These persons use various call signs for themselves or their actual names. The business entities have tended to use their corporate names. This group tends to analyze the areas of the vehicle and its communication to look for weak areas and oversights. Due to a lack of familiarity and the professional distance, this group tends to probe more look at different areas. This contractual relationship has been known as a bug bounty program.
            This is not a new procedure for the auto manufacturers. GM has been working with hackers to improve their vehicles, including the vehicle’s firewall (Nagesh, 2016). This work flow includes but is not limited to a “coordinated disclosure” program. This specific bug bounty program was engineered to analyze potential cybersecurity gaps in the individual GM vehicles, website, and software. With the GM bug bounty program, GM does not offer cash rewards, but does state GM would not pursue legal action. With this case, the attacker is allowed to work at breaching their system, if a weakness is found the person is able to report this and substantially increase their credibility in the industry in a legal manner without incurring significant legal or civil liability.
            Tesla Motors Inc. has their bug bounty program in place. With their program the corporate entity pays researchers to find the vulnerabilities. The focus here is for the weakness to be noted, researched, and patched well before an attacker exploits this.
            As of March 2016, FCA fka Chrysler did not have a bug bounty program in place.
            Overall, bug bounty programs have worked out well for the vehicle manufacturers that have utilized these over time. These have directly assisted in securing the vehicle and increasing consumer confidence. There may be paid to the researchers a few thousand or tens of thousands of dollars, however in comparison to the overall costs of a breach, the former is incredibly less costly than the publication of the breach, the patching or changing of mechanical parts, and loss of vehicle sales.


Nagesh, G. (2016, March 11). GM invites hackers to uncover cybersecurity gaps. Retrieved from http://www.nasdaq.com/article/gm-invites-hackers-to-uncover-cybersecurity-gaps-20160311-00216

Dude, where’s my car? Vehicle hacking trends & analysis; #4

Why should we continue to test and retest the security on the vehicle?
            The security on vehicles is still lacking, even today. This can be dangerous to drivers and their families for the attack method and technique to be fully disclosed without allowing the manufacturer time to correct the issue. It is still exciting for some to have their 15 minutes of fame. The attacker(s) post their video on a social media site, do interviews, and secure a few free t-shirts.
            There is much more to it though. The vehicles have to be safe. Effectually these can be used as a weapon. If controlled or manipulated, the vehicle’s path could be altered to the driver’s detriment. As this is possible, the vehicles have to be secure, as much as possible, against attacks. A consumer does not want to be during along and the brakes or selected brake pad lock up forcing you into other lanes.
            The manufacturer has to ensure the vehicle operates appropriately. Each vehicle has multiple networks each communicating with each other and outside of the vehicle. If the systems are not working correctly, the driver may receive a false positive, e.g. the right front tire is fine however the sensor is reporting 5psi. This may create an issue.
            The driver may want to know if someone had modified the vehicle without the driver’s consent and knowledge. This breach would be of a nature the driver would want to know of. The security function of the vehicle is to ensure its systems are still reliable and valid. A security function would need to be fully operating to ensure nothing had been modified without the manufacturer’s or owner’s consent.
            Without the security being in full force and effect, anyone with the requisite knowledge and tools could modify the vehicle’s settings or code in the car without physically touching it or even being proximate. Without the security being active, someone in Australia could attack successfully a vehicle in Ireland, turning the radio on and off and the heat up in the middle of summer.

            The parties driving and others proximate to the vehicle need to know as it is hurtling down the expressway that it is entirely safe. Granted periodically there may be mechanical issues as items wear out over time and need to be replaced. This aspect is more directed at a malicious interloper interfering with the braking or other facet which could physically hurt others.