Sunday, September 27, 2020

They learn hacking early these days


These are certainly interesting times we are living in. In particular, schools are either having virtual classes, in-person classes, or a mixture of these. This has seriously taxed the systems that were already under financial pressure. One area historically under-funded has been cybersecurity, s the focus of the K-12 and university systems has been to teach the students. Bearing this in mind, the systems may not have the budget to fully defend against cybersecurity attacks. A recent target was the Miami-Dade Public Schools System, which has approximately 275k students. This school system is the fourth largest in the country.


The Miami-Dade County Public school’s students began attending classes again this school year. To facilitate the return, the public school district was using an online learning system (MySchool online), which makes sense of all things considered. For some reason, a 16-year-old high school student, who happens to attend the targeted school system (a junior at the South Miami Senior High School), believed DDoSing the school’s e-learning system, crippling its functions, was a good idea. The high school student did this several times, shutting down access for several days. These attacks were clearly malicious and disrupted the teaching and student learning across the state.


The student, while using a lower-level form of attack forgot one important thing-to cover his tracks. The investigators were able to locate him from the IP address the attacks originated from. A portion of the attacks did originate from outside of the US. This is such a basic step, it was even addressed in the iconic movie Hackers from the 1990s.

The FBI, Secret Service, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement was involved with the investigation. The student, when questioned, admitted to eight DDoS attacks beginning on that Monday. The student didn’t code an app for this but instead used an online resource. There may be others involved with this set of attacks. This is not new, as the public school district has experienced more than a dozen of these since the 2020-2021 school year has started.

The student was arrested, as noted, and charged with Computer Use in an Attempt to Defraud. This is a third-degree felony. The student also was charged with Interference with an Educational Institution. This charge is a second-degree misdemeanor.

In Closing

Defending against certain attacks is not an overly complex set of operations. You may need to only contract with a third party to use their apps or services to protect your system. When you don’t plan for the inevitable, this seems to find you rather quickly.



850 WFTL. (2020, September). 16-year-old arrested for hacking miami dade school system. Retrieved from

Allen, K. (2020, September 3). 16-year-old arrested for hacking miami dade school system. Retrieved from (2020, September 3). 16-year-old student arrested for allegedly crippling miami school system with cyberattack. Retrieved from

L33T Dawg. (2020, September 3). 16-year-old arrested for cyberattacks on school’s online learning system.

Miller, M. (2020, September 3). Teen arrested for alleged cyber attacks on miami-data schools. Retrieved from

NBC News. (2020, September 4). Miami high schooler charged with cyberattacks that stopped online learning. Retrieved from

News & Guts. (2020, September). 16-year-old charged with cyber attack that brought down miami public schools. Retrieved from

Odzer, A., Pipitone, T., & Hamacher, B. (2020, September 3). Student arrested in connection with cyber attacks on miami-dade public schools. Retrieved from

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