Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Another tool to assist with the insider threat

Given the nature of the issue, the admins and InfoSec staff have implemented various tools and processes to monitor potential insider issues. The organization may use logs or other analytic tools to detect any of these and the myriad of other issues.

Recently, UNSW Sydney, Macquarie University, and Purdue University have created a new process to assist with securing the enterprise. The researchers have named this Gargoyle. This tool, as with a portion of the others, is network-based. The tool works with four primary actions, to evaluate the user’s access requests, uses the software-defined network (SDN) capabilities, maximizes network controller uses, and instead of a binary approach for authorizations, the new process reviews the context.

The new process has been tested and shown to be viable and a better measure than other role-based access control (RBAC), function-based access control (FBAC), and usage control (UCON) methods. The tests were completed on a limited scale. For the follow-up to measure the scalability, the testing will continue, however with larger networks.

Shaghagni, A., Kanhere, S.S., Kaafar, M.A., Bertino, E., & Jha, S. (2018). Gargoyle: A network-based insider attack resilient framework for organizations. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.02593.pdf

Zorz, Z. (2018, July 13). Gargoyle: Innovative solution for preventing insider attacks. Retrieved from https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2018/07/13/gargoyle-preventing-insider-attacks

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