Tuesday, December 5, 2017

MedSec v. SJM: Insecure Pacemakers

            People throughout the globe have health issues with various parts of their bodies and in differing degrees. These may be acute or chronic, or life threatening. An issue that is present involves cardiac problems. For persons with cardiac issues, a defibrillator/pacemaker is vital and works best with the patient. There are a number of manufacturers of this product, with each having several models. As the patients require these to live, in case there were to be an issue, if an attacker were to compromise a unit, the patients could be placed in mortal peril. The unit being compromised may also allow for unauthorized access of protected health information (PHI) (White, 2015). This could provide for a HIPAA violation (Kohgadai, 2016). This issue could be a very costly learning opportunity for the manufacturer. Medical records are prime targets for the attackers. When there happens to be a compromise of this type, merely the fines are massive. This does not however factor in the costs for forensic work to review the incident.
            With these devices, there has been any issue with this being a known issue, yet net addressed by the manufacturer. The data indicates the manufacturer are unprepared in the area. A survey completed in 2017 from the Ponemon Institute on behalf of Synopsys indicated only 17% of the manufacturers have worked towards appropriate cyber security controls (Dellinger, 2017). This lack of focus is due to many issues, including but not limited to the lack of adequately trained staff, senior management not appreciating the short- and long-term financial and operational risks, issues with testing and other significant issues.
            Medical connected devices have been present and in use for decades. Consumers have presented the need for assistance with bodily functions. Although these were designed with the best intentions and functionality in mind, there were still issues with the equipment. From 1990-2000, the FDA issued recalls on 114,645 devices (Burns, Johnson, & Honeyman, 2016). As security has become more of an issue, there have been more presentations and security-oriented developments. On August 4, 2011 Jerome Radcliffe presented at Black Hat a compromise for an insulin pump. As a diabetic, he was acutely aware of. Radcliffe was able to reverse engineer the communication protocols. With this protocol in hand, he was able to access the pump and control it (Burns, Johnson, & Honeyman, 2016). On October 17, 2012, Barnaby Jack presented a video at the Ruxcon Breakpoint Security Conference showing the method to direct a pacemaker to deliver a shock using the serial and model number.
            A recent example of the effect from a lack of security was with Johnson & Johnson. In 3Q2016, Johnson & Johnson informed 14k doctors and diabetic patients of three vulnerabilities in their Animus insulin pumps. These and many more examples abound as security is not applied to these.
            In 2013, Barnaby Jack was supposed to present a compromise on a pacemaker at a hacker conference in Las Vegas. He passed on the evening prior.
Normal Process
            As with piece of equipment there is a standard process for the device to work. Millions of people depend on the devices across the globe (Wadhwa, 2012). As this is the case, the tolerances and parameters have to be narrowly construed. Most pacemakers have their data retrieved and settings configured via a wand or other device being placed proximate to the pacemaker. This may be relatively close or within a few feet of the device. The apparatus retrieves the data and makes adjustments to the sensors, thresholds, and rates (Lyle, 2015).
            This remote access is significantly beneficial. The patient can’t have a USB through their chest wall and skin. This also allows for simple adjustments. This is a simple way to collect data used by doctors and medical to aid the patients (Knapton, 2014). If there were need to be adjustments to the equipment, this may be done over-the-air (OTA) (Wadhwa, 2012).
Worst Case Scenario
            Anytime there is a death or disability, this is not the optimal situation and a shame. Many people have pacemakers and defibrillators through society. These persons work as mechanics, teachers, professors, CEOs, CFOs, diplomats, dignitaries, Presidential Cabinet members, and nation leaders.
            In a case shown in a recent dramatized television program, a political figure has the pacemaker/defibrillator implanted. The person is arriving for a meeting. Another group would prefer the person with the implanted device not to be using oxygen anymore. If it were to be possible to compromise the pacemaker, by extension it would be possible to assist the person with their transition. Although this is a simple case and application, this scenario could upgraded to a Secretary of State.
“I have no problem with science…I just wish that it would give the law time to catch up.”
~Law & Order-Seed; 2/15/95, S5 E15
            It is difficult at best to couple InfoSec with the law. The wheels of justice and law move incredibly slow. Most legislators have minimal ideas of what is going on with InfoSec other than the sound bites and headlines. There also has tended to be a rather firm process in place to enact legislation, which is exceptionally unfriendly to change.
            In comparison, the InfoSec community moves rather quickly. This seems to change daily. There, procedurally with the process in place, is no way for the legal system to keep pace. This is unfortunately the reality.
            The FTC has attempted to start the legal process. There were generic proposals in 2013 (Armstrong, Kleidermacher, Klonoff, & Slepian, 2016). When a business engineers an IoT device, this should implement a suitable level of security. Per this endeavor, the data collected should be minimal, the data retained should be minimal, and other measures. This is weak, but a start.
Applicable to Other Equipment
            This issue is not limited to pacemakers. This also is completely applicable to most other connected medical device. The manufacturers need to understand not only the intended processes with the equipment, but also the hazards and potential harm with a lack of security being applied. The manufacturers need to define these risks with the system and put controls in place (Wu & Eagles, 2016). This risk analysis should complete a risk analysis based on the applicable standards.
            As a secondary point, to mitigate these issues the manufacture needs to review the controls related to the technical side of the product. This team effort of review and implementation would produce a document. This would involve applying the appropriate form and level of governance (Williams & Woodward, 2015). To have the optimal situation, this step would need to be proactive.
            There are several real-world examples of this. In 2016, Johnson & Johnson informed their clients of vulnerabilities. A model of their insulin pumps exhibited a vulnerability which would allow access to the insulin pump. In theory, an unauthorized party could direct the insulin pump to input a fatal dose of insulin. The vulnerable model was the Animas One Touch Ping. The distinct vulnerability was partially due to the equipment being connected (Harper, 2017).
            In 2015, there was an issue with the Hospira Sybiq infusion pump. The vulnerability here also allowed an unauthorized access. This however was through the hospital’s network (Harper, 2017). Lastly, in 2013, Barnaby Jack was to give a presentation on the methodology to compromise a pacemaker at a security conference in Las Vegas. The attack could take place up to 50 feet away. He passed on the night before the presentation (Harper, 2017).
St. Jude Medical (SJM) Lawsuit
            As a rule of thumb, a lawsuit is the last stage of the confrontation. Once this is filed, the situation becomes rather expansive in terms of finances, and funding. Most entities would have worked with SJM (Dark Reading, 2016). In the past, however, SJM brushed off attempts to fix the issues and patch management. MedSec elected to work with Muddy Waters in disclosing the issues (Dark Reading, 2016). MedSec stated the pacemaker and defibrillator could be compromised and manipulated (Pierson & Finkle, 2016) via the equipment vulnerabilities (Osborne, 2016). MedSec also stated that SJM should recall its pacemakers as these were vulnerable to attack (Tucker, 2016). These vulnerabilities were relative to the pacemaker and defibrillator were detailed in the report. (Nichols, 2010). These were rather significant (News-checker, 2016).This would allow the pacemaker to malfunction (Tucker, 2016).
            SJM sued Muddy Waters Consulting LLC, Muddy Waters Capital LLC, MedSec Holdings, Ltd., MedSec LLC, and the three persons who were principals in the businesses (Business Wire, 2016; Dark Reading, 2016; Tucker, 2016). The matter was filed in the USDC for the District of Minnesota as the St. Jude Medical v. Muddy Waters, MedSec Holdings, et al. with case number 16-cv-0302 (Pierson & Finkle, 2016). The full filing may be viewed at https://regmedia.co.uk/2016/09/08/medsec_lawsuit.pdf.
            The claimed cause of action was the defendants defamed SJD with false information (Dark Reading, 2016) and intended to be malicious (Pierson & Finkle, 2016). SJM stated these were false warnings (Osborne, 2016). In particular, the cause of action were the false statements, false advertising, conspiracy, and manipulation of the public market (Business Wire, 2016; Tucker, 2016). In short, SJM sued MedSec, et al. to correct the alleged false information that had been provided to the media (Osborne, 2016).
            As a result of the disclosures and/or the lawsuit, the SJM shares decreased significantly (Dark Reading, 2016). The stock share price was lowered an estimated 10% during the day and rebounded so the net effect was only an estimated decrease of 3% (Pierson & Finkle, 2016). SJM claimed the attackers only did this to provide a profit to the firm (Kan, 2016).
            SJM had a rather distinct focus on the MedSec and Muddy Waters groups. SJM claimed the research and investment firms were false (Nichols, 2016), had applied flawed testing methods, used outdated software, and simply did not understand the medical device technology (Osborne, 2016; Kan, 2016).   SJM stated MedSec’s claims were made-up (Nichols, 2016). SJM went as far as to retain the University of Michigan to attempt to replicate the study. The UM research team arrived as a different result. The research team at UM stated MedSec’s research was flawed and UM could find no evidence to support the claims (Tucker, 2016; Newmarker, 2016).
            MedSec’s defense was rather simple. The disclosure was correct (Dark Reading, 2016) and the University of Michigan research team was wrong. Arising from this set of issues was a class action lawsuit against SJM (Daniels, 2016). The cause of action for the class action lawsuit was a failure to adequately secure the equipment with the remote tracking function (Daniels, 2016).
            No product is 100% perfect. A dedicated set of engineers collaborating with the InfoSec staff have the opportunity to create a product that has the appropriate safety and security features built in. There are other instances however when this is not the case and the security is not appropriately applied. This is especially an issue when the device is attached to a person via being implanted (Wadhwa, 2012) and a connected device, as the results from an attack may be deadly (Knapton, 2014).
            These connected devices have been known to be insecure by the industry and manufacturers. The manufacturers have not overall been working diligently to secure these. A few distinct manufacturers also have declared their devices are perfectly safe to the public. The primary attack point has been the wireless communication. This acts to regulate the devices assisting the human heart to function properly (Knapton, 2014). This is an area of vulnerability to be exploited. The manufacturers simply have not been prepared (Wadhwa, 2012) and security not integrated (Zorz, 2016).
            The lack of security has even gathered the attention of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In 2014 the DHS began to investigate more than 20 medical devices (Knapton, 2014). In 2013, the DHS Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (OCS-CERT) noted approximately 300 devices manufactured by 40 companies (Knapton, 2014). The examples for the  vulnerabilities abound. Each manufacturer and product line has the potential for vulnerabilities. These have exhibited insecure architecture, hard-coded passwords that were not able to be changed, and other insecure protocols. As for the passwords, this would allow an unauthorized third party to access the machine (Knapton, 2014).
               In pacemakers alone, there has been noted more than 8,000 vulnerabilities in the program code (Vaas, 2017). This sample was from four manufacturers. This number does not represent a majority of the manufacturers present in the market.
               This also applies to the MedSec issues. The vulnerabilities were blatantly present, yet not acted on by SJM. The security was so poor that the FDA threatened legal action against SJM if these vulnerabilities were not addressed. This was significant to the extent the FDA and DHS both issued a notice or warning letter of these insecurities (Uchill, 2017). SJM, on the same day as the notice, noted these were “extremely low cyber-security risks” (Vaas, 2017). MedSec did push the patches for this set of issues (Carlson, 2017).
               There were a number of vulnerabilities with the pacemaker product. These included:
·        A lack of strong authentication (Daniels, 2016).
·        Commands may be issued from a distance.
·        SJM included a code which could be used for the purpose of over-riding. This was a fixed 3byte code.
·        The communications channel between the endpoints (pacemaker and the Merlin@home base unit) was weak (Vaas, 2017; Brenner, 2017; Daniels, 2016).
·        A 3-byte back door was left open.
·        Poor level of encryption.
·        The anti-debugging tools were weak.
In Closing…
               Medical devices are pertinent to our lives and will continue to grow in usage and visibility. These should not be treated as just another piece of equipment, but as a device that has to be secured. Without this security, adequately and appropriately in place, the potential for compromises will be there, waiting to be implemented.

References and Resources
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