Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Data Analytics + Security = Better Solution

            The internet is widely used for consumers and businesses across the planet. Although this allows for near instant access and is a plethora of knowledge, both good and bad, these are still issues.
            To lessen and mitigate these issues, data analytics has been involved more. The implementation started approximately 10 years ago. At this time with the new technology with the vast number of people not using it yet, most email was spam. Over time and with the application of analytics, this has brought this number of spam emails down that appear in your inbox. Now these are mostly routed to the Spam folder, as they should. This has been accomplished with the email filter. This was designed to analyze the emails to move the spam away from the inbox.
            Big data also has been used with AV to analyze what is malware through heuristics. Other uses have been to review insider acts and access for insider threats, monitor transactions at the bank with your account to analyze if this may be legitimate or a potential theft, monitor email accounts and on the enterprise level for phishing activities, and identify APT.
            The coupling of these two has proved to be a benefit for all involved.

Miel, LLC Infosec Managed Services & Consulting


It is not about winning or losing, but reorienting yourself to the real problem-managing the risk across the enterprise.

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