Universities are frequently targeted due to the amount of
personal, confidential data being held. This is accumulated as part of the application
process, along with on-going course attendance. One recent target has been the
University of Warwick. The university is located in the Coventry in the UK, and
is part of the Russell Group. While the details of the successful attack have
not been published, this attack may have been invited in by one of the users.
The issue may have all started with a user installing remote viewing software
in 2019. At this point, the attackers were able to gain a foothold into the
system and pivot into other areas, providing the data and information they
As to be expected, the attack had a focus. In this case, it
was the usual data and information. The breach allowed the attackers access to
student information. The attackers had also access to the staff and volunteer
private information. This would provide the attackers the data needed for
various unlawful acts, including taking over someone’s identity, getting credit
in the other person’s name, and other fraudulent acts.
Multiple Breaches
In general, one breach is a bad operational defect. This can
be devastating to the university, staff, and students in the short- and long-term.
This can reach into the full network, or sections, based on the attack and target.
If the attacker simply wants to exfiltrate data quickly that is marketable,
they may breach the accounting or Human Resource networks. If they want to own
the system and possibly extort funds, this is yet another avenue that may be best
attacked with ransomware or other malware. In this case, the University was
breached several times.
Simply stated, the university was breached. Granted, this is
a rather unpleasant set of circumstances with potential legal consequences.
There appears to be a systemic operational issue though with the breaches. First,
there were multiple breaches within the university’s system in 2019. One is bad
enough, with the damage that may be done. When you have multiple, the attackers
know they are able to get in, get what they want, and exit with ease. If there
were to have been an apprehension or concern on the part of the attackers,
perhaps they would not have returned so brazenly. For them to return and enter
unfettered is indicative of a larger issue.
With these multiple breaches, there is data, intellectual
property, and other items possibly removed. There is also the opportunity for
them to leave something behind, be it other back doors or malware, to make
their life even easier if they would want to enter later. This has a clear impact
on the staff and students. From the point in time for the breach, until the
notification, the affected persons are blind to the attacker’s using their personal
data and information, any researcher’s work product being in unauthorized
hands, and generally being open to issues themselves. In this case, the
university withheld this information.
One rationale for this was the university did not have the
budget and resources to work on this. This, on its own, is an issue. Too many staff
do not appreciate the cybersecurity role, and what this actually brings to the
organization. Without a robust cybersecurity program in place, there will be
issues and many unauthorized persons will have access to your private
information. In other words, a reasonably prudent organization would have this
in place to protect the data and information which has been given to it to
manage and steward.
On another point, prior to the breach, the university was
audited by the Information Commissioner’s Office, whose focus is data
protection. The report, published in March, noted the chairperson of the
university’s data protection privacy group (DPPG) should be replaced with an alternative
with more experience. Upon receipt and review, the registrar completely agreed
with their findings. Curiously, the registrar and Data Protection Officer are
the same people. While the report is after the fact, the indicators had been
present for some time and should have been acted on long ago. This report based
on the audit was how the staff and students learned of the breaches and that
their data had been compromised. Without this report, who knows when the
university would have let anyone know of the circumstances. For some reason
unbeknownst to many, the registrar joked about the audit, stating it was “tomato
colored” and acting dismissive as to the possibility the data was at risk.
In certain circles, not accomplishing this may be considered
Apparently, the lack of oversight and resources was to the
extent the university may have known they were breached, however, had no idea of
what data or systems had been impacted by the attack.
To overcome these problems, the university has created two
additional committees to assist with the governance in this area and to provide
advice. The university also put a new Chief Information and Digital Officer in
place to better the cybersecurity stance.
To fully fund the cybersecurity teams and the working group is
still vital to operations, and any entity. If you are apathetic as to the
network, operations, and any repercussions from a breach and being totally
pwned by an unauthorized third party, there is an issue. In these times of
budgetary constraints, allocating the resources can be a difficult task. The
alternative though tends to be much more expensive financially in the short-
and long-term, and provides the opportunity for the organization to be in the
news, for all the wrong reasons. There needs to be some form of a balance with
the operations. Without this in place, the organization is simply a target waiting
to be breached and having to send out the breach notification letters.
There also needs to be the appropriate staff doing the
appropriate tasks. There is room for staff with their specific expertise in any
organization. When you someone in a role they do not have the experience for,
you will have issues. At a senior management level in cybersecurity, there is
not the time or the availability of resources to attempt to learn on the job.
There will be areas that will be missed in tasks and functions as the person
moves through the learning curve. This is not the first time someone has been
placed in a management position in cybersecurity without the requisite
experience, exemplary of the Peter Principle.
When you have a report publishing of record there are data
breaches, as a member of management, you should not act apathetic and as if you
are above the findings. The staff in charge of the cybersecurity for a
university should take care of the data they are stewarding. They should care
enough to ensure their staff and student’s information is not at risk. When an independent
third party has to inform you of breaches, something should be done to protect
the university, students, and staff other than commenting, as the registrar did,
“If I tell you what, I ‘I must kill you.’”
This is a rather serious issue as the breach included
personal data and access to the network, unfettered. There is in place during
the breach of the GDPR. As time passes, it will be interesting to note if the
government actually applies the GDPR or any of the like laws or statutes to the
university for the significant error and indifference to the staff and
students. The registrar’s response is one of the reasons why there are still
numerous breaches.
Anyone affected by this should be wondering why the
responsible staff are still present and working at the university, especially the
Jay, J. (2020, April 28). Warwick university suffered
multiple breaches due to poor security protocols. Retrieved from https://www.teiss.co.uk/warwick-university-data-breaches/
Karageorgi, N., & Toms, O. (2020, April 27). University
of warwick kept data breach secret from students and staff. Retrieved from https://theboar.org/2020/04/university-of-warwick-kept-data-breach-secret-from-students-and-staff-last-year/
Martin, A. (2020, April 27). The university of warwick was
hacked and kept secret the breaches of students and staff. Retrieved from https://oltnews.com/the-university-of-warwick-was-hacked-and-kept-secret-the-breaches-of-students-and-staff
Martin, A. (2020, April 27). Warwick university was hacked
and kept breach secret from students and staff. Retrieved from https://news.sky.com/story/warwick-university-was-hacked-and-kept-breach-secret-from-students-and-staff-11978792
Millman, R. (2020, April). GDPR ignored by warwick
university? Retrieved from https://www.scmagazineuk.com/gdpr-ignored-warwick-university-failure-alert-staff-students-data-breach/article/1681689
Rodger, J. (2020, April 27). Warwick university kept data
hack secret from students and staff. Retrieved from https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/warwick-university-kept-data-hack-18156758
Sandford, E. (2020, April 27). Hackers targeted university
of warwick. Retrieved from https://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/coventry-news/hackers-targeted-university-of-warwick-18157358