All is relatively well here at Woesnotgone
Meadow, where everyone has above average bandwidth.
In the Meadow, we have our school system. This
isn’t huge, however, is just-right-sized for the community. We have all the
amenities of the larger schools and cater to the students. This can be a
blessing and create an issue. Any school can be a target, as the Bridgeport
schools in CT have found.
Public schools abound through the nation. These
are located locally and in certain instances, even within the neighborhoods,
their students live in. The schools provide a vital service to the residents
and the children in the community. The subject school is the Bridgeport School
District, located in Bridgeport, CT.
The attack was much like so many others
experienced not only in the school districts but also across the different
industries. The school district was targeted for a ransomware campaign. This
was allegedly delivered via a phishing attack. This is presumed, as this is the
general attack vector. This, however, was not directly stated.
Although no data was exfiltrated, the ransomware
was successful. The general operation is for the PCs and/or servers (preferably
servers) to be encrypted, and the decrypt key is supplied (hopefully) after the
fee is paid, or if the back-ups are viable and current, use these. With this
attack, a portion of the district’s data was indeed encrypted. The composition
of the data was not detailed in the publications. The amount of the ransom was
not listed either.
The school district’s superintendent stated no
data was exfiltrated. The attackers were, however, able to access Power School,
which was used to store the student’s data. A few of the teachers noted the
data encrypted was primarily from their work efforts (e.g. lesson plans and
teaching materials). The student’s work and student’s and teacher’s personal
data were not affected by this issue.
Once the school district detected the issue they
worked through the weekend to fix this. The plan was to limit the damage to the
data. Subsequently, all district employees were required to change their
passwords. The employees were also directed not to bring in their own equipment
into the workplace. The school district was actively working with law
This successful attack is an example of what to
focus on with the users for the health, and cybersecurity of the organization.
With BYOD (bring your own device), the business or entity when this is allowed,
also allows any issues on the employee’s personal laptop or device into the
network if it attached. The business is at the whim of the person’s level of
cybersecurity hygiene, or lack of. Also, there should be substantial training
on email and phishing, including what to look for and suspicious requests.
Thanks for visiting Woesnotgone Meadow, where
the encryption is strong, and the O/Ss are always using the latest version.
Lambeck, K.C. (2019, January 8). Bridgeport
schools computer network falls victim to cyberattack. Retrieved from
Lambeck, K.C. (2019, January 9). Connecticut
school district hit with ransomware attack. Retrieved from
Olenick, D. (2019, January 8). Bridgeport,
Conn., schools hit with ransomware. Retrieved from