Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A Breach is a Symptom

A Breach is a Symptom

I was listening to a cybersecurity podcast recently and the guest made the statement "A breach is a symptom of the deeper problem." Too often we focus on the outwardly visible and notable aspects of an issue versus the underlying problem.

Without addressing the real problem driving the symptom, these issues will continue to percolate and show themselves, too often at inopportune times. This may take more time, energy, and effort in the short run, but will often pay the dividends many times over through the future.

It is time to put the effort into fixing the issue, versus placing a temporary Band-Aid on it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Data Leakage

Attackers generally are looking to disrupt your business and/or breach your system to steal the protected health information (PHI) and personal identifiable information (PII). This may be done via a DDoS or other methods to stop persons from visiting your website. Breaching your system may take a more advanced route, however still creates a massive issue.

The persons attempting to compromise the system are looking for weak points in your information/cyber security posture. This includes, depending on the circumstances, your employees, updates to the computer system, points where the information is being transferred, wireless access, and other points of interest to them. Data can be transferred via Wi-Fi, email, thumb drives and other avenues. Each of these represent a point of potential weakness that could be breached. These and other areas should be tested to ensure compliance with HIPAA, HITECH, PCI, GLBA, or other relevant to your industry regulation.

Call us for additional information and personalized quote.

Miel, LLC Infosec Consulting

Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment


It is not about winning or losing, but reorienting yourself to the real problem-managing the risk across the enterprise.